Patient Registration
On this page
Patient creation
Click on +PATIENT in the Patients page at the upper right corner to open the Create patient form.
Fill these data to complete the form:
- Click on Pilot, (e.g. “Testing”) then select a value from the menu. The Organization field is filled automatically
- Click on SB Email and type the email address that has been assigned to the patient as an account to set up the devices kit.
- Click on Date of participant consent and select a date from the calendar.
- Click on Enter a phone number and type the patient’s mobile number. The country is detected via the browser
- Click on Username of CCM if the CCM is registered in the platform select his/her name from the menu.
- If a patient is managed by more than one CCM, click on the + (add) button and select the name the email address. To delete an External CCM, click on the - (remove) button
- If you have completed the form correctly click on CREATE PATIENT to save the data, otherwise, click on CANCEL to discard them.
After the patient is created, the patient’s record is generated, which includes the Overview and Demographics tabs.
To fill the Overview tab, click on EDIT.
The Overview tab allows the user to insert and modify the following data to be collected from the patient:
• SmartBear ID. It contains the patient’s ID and is filled automatically.
• Birthday Date. It is in the YYYY-MM format. Click on the Birthday Date and select the date from the calendar
• Age Group. It is filled automatically
• Email. It is filled automatically.
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If you have completed the form correctly click on SAVE to save the data, otherwise click on CANCEL to discard them.
Click on the DEMOGRAPHICS to open the Demographics tab.
To fill the tab, click on EDIT. In Demographics the user is allowed to insert and modify the following data to be collected from the patient:
• Biological Gender. It can be either a binary non-binary gender. The patient can also choose to NOT disclose this information. Click on Biological Gender and select a value from the menu.
• Education level. Click on Education Level and select a value from the menu
• Living situation. It provides a description of the patient’s living place (e.g. an apartment with access to an elevator). Click on Living Situation and select a value from the menu
• Source of referral. It is the person or medium (e.g. social media) that referred the patient to SMART BEAR. Click on Source of Referral and select a value from the menu
• Ethnicity. This information is required to perform some analytics, and refers to large ethnic groups (e.g. caucasian, african). Click on Ethnicity and select a value from the menu
• If necessary, tick “Uses stairs at home”
• Family situation. This information refers to the presence of a family. Click on Lives with and select a value from the menu
• Type of accommodation. This information consists of further details with regards to the living situations. Click on Type of Accommodation and select a value from the menu.
If you have completed the tab correctly, click on the SAVE button to save the data, otherwise click on the CANCEL button to discard them.