
Interventions are functionalities that support the delivery of personalized alerts to a patient, based on the parameters thresholds to be set. Rule-based interventions are available, for which the user can set the thresholds manually.

Intervention creation

Follow the steps below to create an Intervention:

  1. In a patient’s record, click on INTERVENTIONS to open the interventions tab
  2. Click on +INTERVENTION, to open the Create Intervention tab
  3. Click on “Intervention type”, and select an option from the menu
  4. Set parameters
  5. Click on SAVE to save the data, otherwise click on CANCEL to discard them

Figure 1

Create Intervention: step 1

Figure 2

Interventions tab

Figure 3

Create Intervention: step 2

Figure 5

Create Intervention tab

Figure 4

Create Intervention: step 3

Figure 6

Create Intervention: Intervention type menu

Here below three examples of parameters are shown

Figure 7
Example #1. Target parameter: Blood Pressure.
Set the right values for both Systolic Blood Pressure and Diastolic Blood Pressure.
Figure 8
Example #2. Target parameter: BMI.
Set the patient's Body Mass Index value.
Figure 9
Example #3. Target parameter: Hear Rate.
Set values of: Hear Rate Extreme Low, Hear Rate Extreme High, Hear Rate Optimal Low, Hear Rate Optimal High.
Figure 10
Create Intervention: click on SAVE

The new Intervention appears as a new record in the Interventions tab.

Note: Interventions alerts will be sent to patients as notifications.