
Solutions to common problems.


1. Why can I not login?

In case you cannot login, click on “Forgotten password” to set a new one. Also, verify you have completed the registration.

2. Why are the comorbidity tabs disabled?

The comorbidity-specific tabs can be activated by ticking the comorbidities in Medical History.

Also a shortcut is featured to select the conditions:

  1. Click on the orange button at the lower right corner of the tab
  2. A tab appears. Tick the conditions and click on ACCEPT.

3. Why can i not activate the Cardiovascular tab?

Click on the orange button in the lower right corner of the Medical History tab. A form opens, select “Cardiovascular”, then click on ACCEPT.

4. Why is the patient not notified about medication timing?

Please check you have correctly inserted the days and time frames for the patient to take his medications.

5. Why do I see the No Info alert for a patient in the Tech Support page?

Please check the following items:

  1. The patient has turned on the Internet connection;
  2. The IMEI in the App settings is correct
  3. The IMEI in the App settings corresponds to the one you enter in the dashboard.

6. Why can I not insert a patient’s birth date in the record?

The birthdate of a patient is saved in the following format: YYYY-MM in the Overview tab, for instance if a patient was born on October 1, 1958, you can either:

  1. Select 1958 and October from the calendar OR
  2. Type 1958-10.